Your social battery refers to the amount of energy you have to socialize, in person or online.
When this drains, people often feel tired, overwhelmed and even depressed. This is why it is so important to recharge your social battery.
Set boundaries
This is a crucial step to recognise when it’s time to step away before you’re completely drained.
Remember it’s okay to take time for yourself when you need it!
Implement relaxation techniques
By meditating, using breathing techniques or aromatherapy you can increase mindfulness while decreasing stress and anxiety that can build up as your social battery drains.
You may have heard it a hundred times but exercise is not only good for your body but also for your mind.
Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that reduce pain and increase pleasure.
Schedule free time
If you don’t plan your free time other plans may fill up your schedule.
By doing this you ensure you don’t exhaust yourself.
Take a nap
Taking a nap can reset your energy levels and social battery.
When you’re tired you’re more likely to be irritable and negative so ensuring you get enough sleep can help prevent social fatigue.
Observe others
By watching the people around you and their interactions with others you can get a better understanding of what drains your social battery.
You can also learn when it’s time to withdraw from a situation.
Find an outlet
This is something personal to you that helps you relax.
Whether it’s listening to music or cooking a tasty meal, find something that comforts you.
Share your tips to recharge your social battery here.