Rudolph Agius Achieves Qualification For Ironman World Championship

Rudolph Agius Qualifies for Ironman World Championship After Hamburg Success

Rudolph Agius, a Maltese triathlete, secured a spot in the Ironman World Championship with an impressive performance at the Hamburg European Championship.

Completing the race in 9:36:17, he placed 27th in his age group (45-49), with a swim time of 58:23, bike ride of 4:57:45, and run of 3:30:31.

This marks his fourth World Championship qualification, following successes in Frankfurt (2018), Spain (2019), and Lanzarote (2023).

Rudolph Agius Image 1

“Congratulations from Malta to Rudolph Agius. Not many Maltese compete in the Ironman World Championships & he is one of them. There we go,” said the race director, emphasising the significance of Agius’s achievement for Malta’s triathlon community.

Agius, an avid triathlete for 15 years, holds national records in both full Ironman (9:00:53) and Ironman 70.3 (4:06:04) distances. His weekly training regimen includes 25 km swimming, 600 km cycling, and 105 km running. 

Rudolph Agius Image 2

Next up: the Ironman World Championships in October 2024, where Agius will proudly represent Malta once again, showcasing his dedication and talent on a global stage.

Would you consider competing in a triathlon? Let us know!

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