Different types of students you will find at any school in Malta

Are you a student? Or want to remember those good old days?

Take a look at these 10 different types of students and figure out which one you are! 

The Hard Worker

They’re always highly motivated, get their work done early and even find time for extra credit work.

They just keep on impressing their fellow classmates.

hard working students

The clueless one.

They have no idea what they are doing, they’re simply present to hang out with their friends.

clueless students

The Artist

Born to shine, everyone is stunned by what they can create.

Often times these artistic students are either drawing on their desk or on the teacher’s whiteboard. 

artistic students

The Underdog

They like to sit at the back of the class and they rarely ever take notes yet somehow manage to pass with the best grades.

sleeping students

The Coffee Addict

They’re only attending for the aesthetic.

Nothing beats the feeling of attending lectures with a coffee at hand to sip on.

coffee students

The Fashionista

They treat school like a fashion show with a new outfit every day.

You’ll most likely see them shopping online during class.

Fashionista students

The Teacher’s Pet

You’ll see them raising their hand at every question.

They often treat the lesson like a personal conversation with their teacher, forgetting the other students in the class. 

Teacher's pet students

The Gym Lad

They’re always in gym clothes carrying a large bottle of water. If they’re not in class you can bet on finding them at the gym.

Gym Students

The Natural Leader

The one who wants the best for their class.

They take charge of any issues and goals and everyone else seems to accept that and get along with it.

Leading Student 

The Reader

You probably don’t know their name because they’re too busy reading and living in their own universe.

And they are completely fine with it. 


Which type of student are you?

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